Saturday, October 30, 2010

The New Fairy Tales - Lil' Red Ridin' Hoodie

Copyright © 2010 of James Pettis, III

Lil' Red Ridin' Hoodie is the first story in The New Fairy Tales Series. It is based on the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood by Charles Perrault in 1695. Lil' Red is based off of two characters in the original story, he is "Little Red Riding Hood" and "the Hunter" combined. I have enjoyed working on this story because it is a more spiritual and supernatural version of the original story.

 Dr. Red is a scientist that lives in Glory Village with her son Lil' Red. Dr. Red is famous in the village because she creates medicines and vaccines to heal the villagers so no one will die from any sicknesses. Lil' Red delivers the medicines to the villagers making the Red family loved deeply by the villagers because of their good deeds. Five evil wolves Tnaas, Natas, Evild, Crulfie, and Veild (the leader of the wolves) try to stop Lil' Red from reaching his destination. But with his supernatural powers he fights them off and prevails. Then, Lil' Red's own grandmother gets really sick, giving the wolves the perfect opportunity to create distractions and prevent Lil' Red from saving her. Lil' Red must get prepared and stop the wolves once and for all.

This is by far another one of my favorite stories. It has a lot of messages in it that I think can really help people. Now the wolves names are all anagrams of the devil's names: Tnaas and Natas (Satan), Crulfie (Lucifer), Evild and Veild (Devil). The wolves represent the devil and how he tries to hinder us from reaching are goals; but if we use the power God gave us (Lil' Red's supernatural powers), we can rebuke the devil and prevail. Stay tuned for more info and short stories from Lil' Red Ridin' Hoodie.


  1. I'm looking forward to reading or seeing Lil' Red Ridin' Hoodie.

  2. Thank you Mom... I'm actually writing this now! ;)
