Saturday, March 19, 2011

The New Fairy Tales (Revised) - Hansel and Gretel

Copyright © 2011 of James Pettis, III

Hansel and Gretel is the seventh fairy tale in the revised series, The New Fairy Tales. It is replacing Rumpelstiltskin from the original series The New Fairy Tales. It is based on Hansel and Gretel by Brothers Grimm in 1812. It is about two siblings how live in a village were the villagers are being drawn away into the lair of a Witch who is a cannibal.

Hansel is nineteen and his little sister Gretel is seventeen. They both live in a village where the villagers have been going missing, but their bones turn up days later with their flesh eaten off. News gets around that there is an evil Witch named Talinka who is a cannibal and has been drawing the youth out of the village and into her lair. With this information, Hansel and Gretel are determined to put a stop to the evil Talinka's killing spree. Will Hansel and Gretel be able to defeat Talinka, or will they find themselves deep inside her evil grasp?

This was very fun coming up with this idea and I can't wait to write it. Stay tuned for more info about Hansel and Gretel.

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