Thursday, March 17, 2011

Trey & Taye (TV Series)

Copyright © 2011 of James Pettis, III

Trey & Taye is a TV Series I have come up with recently about two guys going to college in Los Angeles, California and how they try to make it in the acting world known as Hollywood. This series is a sitcom and will deal with multiple issues and will most likely be four seasons in total.

James "Trey" Roberts, III is a twenty one year old who just moved to LA to attend Stephen's University. He has a dream of becoming an actor, screenplay writer, and rock star making it big in Hollywood. Taylor "Taye" Harrison, III is twenty and shares the same passion for acting as Trey. Trey and Taye have similar goals and dreams, but their personalities and characters are totally different. Trey is outgoing, assertive, and a perfectionist with more feminine qualities than masculine. Where with Taye, he is outgoing, aggressive, and very masculine (and he has a tendency to be kind of slow). The two become dorm mates and their personalities clash at first, but as they continue on through college together, they learn about each other and themselves. Join Trey and Taye as they try to make it big and finish college.

This idea was interesting to me when I came up with it and I think it will be fun to write. Stay tuned for more info about Trey & Taye.

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