Monday, March 14, 2011


Copyright © 2011 of James Pettis, III

Salem is a new story I have come up with and it is loosely based on the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. It is about a middle aged lady coercing a young man into using black magic.

In Salem Village 1692, there is discourse that witches are living among the villagers. This doesn't stop twenty-year-old Isaac Ackworth from living a jubilant life in this abysmal town. Isaac is very close with his next door neighbors Isabel Horthall and Nathanial "Nathan" Horthall, III (her son), but unfortunately Nathanial Horthall, Jr. (Isabel's husband and Nathanial's father) has strong loathing of Isaac and could care less about him. Isabel, on the other hand, is fascinated by Isaac and is always trying to spend time with him. At the time of his twenty-first birthday, Isabel takes Isaac away and reveals a dark secret... she's a witch. She uses threats and blackmail to coerce Isaac to cooperate with her and join her Wicca coven. But when word gets around of the use of black magic in Salem, Isaac is forced to choose a side, or die.

I think this idea will be fun to write. It is a dark fantasy and psychological thriller, which will deal with a lot of different topics and plots. Stay tuned for more ideas about Salem.

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