Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Psychasthenia (A Novel)

Copyright © 2011 of James Pettis, III

OK... it's official, I have no idea what I want to do with Psychasthenia. I think I'm going to make it a novel (but then the next thing I do will probably be to make a blog for Psychasthenia and post all of the various plot changes it has gone through).

Anyway, Psychasthenia is a story that I have obviously been developing for a long time (4 years to be exact). They plot is similar to the plot I originally posted Here, but it is slightly different as far as the main focus of the story.

Eighteen year old Ethan Pachsyis is an outgoing, exuberant, and caring young man about to graduate from his high school and is going to the University of California to study Social Sciences. Ethan is also borderline bipolar, with a tendency to have frequent mood swings and hallucinations. Despite all this, Ethan is determined to make something of himself. That is until his father is murdered brutally in their 10,000 square foot Cape Cod Style home in Los Angeles. After this tragic event, Ethan is no longer outgoing, exuberant, and caring, but somber and callous as his father was. As more lives are lost, Ethan becomes more insensitive than before, leading detectives on the case to believe he is the murderer. But all the while in the shadows, Ethan has a secret admirer who is obsessed with him and is dying to get his attention… even if he has to be killed.
This will most likely become a novel (and may be my first to publish, to prevent anymore plot changes). Stay posted for more info about Psychasthenia.