David Poral Series

Copyright © 2010 of James Pettis, III

David Poral is about five siblings that where separated after the birth of their youngest brother David. They are reunited by fate and must work together and put an end to an evil organization called The Red Ninth. The David Poral series also consists of Ten stories: David Poral and the Mirror of Lies, David Poral and the Zombie Parade, David Poral and the Recreation of Salem, David Poral and the Energy Charger, David Poral and the Seducing Witches, David Poral and the Switch Meister, David Poral and the Dragon of China, David Poral and the Merman of the Enchanted Sea, David Poral and the Oricals: Part I, and David Poral and the Oricals: Part II.

Copyright © 2010 of James Pettis, III

David Poral and the Mirror of Lies is the first story in the series and introduces the Porals and their main enemy, Salem Dark.

David is a fifteen-year-old boy with supernatural powers. He can levitate, fly, have visions, and clone himself. David has been training ever since he was five and he believes he’s ready to begin his new journey. For years David wanted to go to Super School to help him be a super hero and now he finally is. David is not aware that his so called "father" is really an evil warlock named Salem Dark. Once he finds out, David leaves and goes to the Super School where he meets three new students who became his friends, Jane, George, and Clair. David also meets Rick, Rava, Mark, and Matt whom are four Red Shirts at the School. Rick and Rava are twins and Mark and Matt are fraternal twins. The four are friend’s at the school and they befriend David. Soon, the five find out that they are siblings, and when they use their powers together it creates a powerful force called Quinity. Then, they find out about a mirror that tells all… sort of. It is know as the Mirror of Lies. Can they get some truth out of it and stop Salem Dark?

Copyright © 2010 of James Pettis, III

David Poral and the Zombie Parade is the second story of the series and shows David's awesome knowledge of zombies and their rituals and introduces the second member of the Red Ninth.

After reuniting with his siblings, David, Rick, Rava, Mark, and Matt stopped Salem Dark and saved their mother, Monica. Now, at Super School for his second year, David is in for a trick and treat. The XXXI Days Halloween Tournament is going on this year and David is extremely excited. But after a Pearl Search match, a zombie named Peter (a mortal man cursed by a witch) starts following him proclaiming his love for him. And during this time, a thirty-one day long funeral is about to begin for the death of a cousin the Porals don't know about hosted by Nick Dark (Salem's son).

Copyright © 2010 of James Pettis, III

David Poral and the Recreation of Salem is the third story in the series and it covers the return of Salem Dark's undead form and the Porals finding out about The Red Ninth and their evil plans (this story also introduces the Red Ninth's newest member, Don Nolen).

David, George, Jane, and Clair were promoted to Yellow Shirts early because of their determination and courage against Nick Dark in their second year. Now for his third year, David is in for a wild ride. David thinks his losing his ability to orb, but later finds out some interesting information about his ability. The Black Team and the Yellow Team are in a Tournament and for the first time in years, The Red Team and the White Team will also be a part of it. But when David finds out Salem is still alive in a zombie like form, He must face the powers of evil. But Salem has a hidden secret, if David kills him he will come back to life more powerful than before; and if he doesn't, he will kill David's family and wreak havoc. What will David do?

Copyright © 2010 of James Pettis, III

David Poral and the Energy Charger is the fourth story and it introduces another member of the Red Ninth, Marvin Edwards.

Super School students go on a winter break to Super School Camp (a place Super City that where it never snows or gets cold). While there, they do extra activities and enjoy the wonderful weather. But when David encounters and accidentally angers a certain instructor, Marvin Edwards, he doesn't believe he's going to enjoy his visit. Then, when David is returning to his camp dorm one night, he hears one of Marvin's experiments go wrong causing an explosion and knocking David out. David awakens to an electrified creature that craves energy and has his sights set on Rick Poral. Is the creature Marvin? Or is it a creature that was created from an experiment gone horribly wrong?

Copyright © 2008 of James Pettis, III

David Poral and the Seducing Witches is the fifth story in the series and is the beginning of David feeling like he is evil because of what he has done and the rise of the Seducing Witches and their leader, Queen (the third member of the Red Ninth).

Despite his knowledge of what would happen if he killed Salem, David gets selfish when Salem almost kills his brothers. David kills Salem and feels that he has helped Salem in an act of evil (which is part of Salem's plan to turn David evil). David doesn't tell anyone, holding on to this secret for fear people will think he is evil. And once the Porals return home, an old friend of Rick's named Silvia comes to town with hidden agenda. All the while, a new evil group is rising called Seducing Witches and they have an evil plan of their own.

Copyright © 2010 of James Pettis, III

David Poral and the Switch Meister is the sixth story of the series and is about Rick being crushed about his fiancee, Frankie breaking up with him because he has supernatural abilities and it introduces Switch, a little creature that is desperately trying to get on the Red Ninth.

After Frankie leaves Rick, he is now at a point in his life where he no longer wants to be in love and sinks into slight depression. All the while, a creature named Switch is trying to get on the Red Ninth by impressing Salem Dark. To do so, he plans on switching bodies with David Poral and destroy himself so that he can use David's body for evil. When it's time for his plans to take action, he gets side tracked and tries to switch with Rick instead. But when Rava intervenes, her soul and Rick's switch causing an unfortunate outcome. Rick and Rava must live each other's lives and find a way to switch themselves back before it's too late.

Copyright © 2010 of James Pettis, III

David Poral and the Dragon of China is the seventh story in the series and covers David's doubting of his abilities and the loss of his supernatural powers.

After the Switch Meister incident, the Poral household seems to be having a peaceful break from demons, witches, and warlocks. That is until a Ninja attacks David and he is left helpless. David then finds out that he has lost his supernatural powers. But when he picks up the samurai sword, he gains the abilities of a Samurai Warrior. He is then supernaturally transported to China, where he meets Master Zayviar Kai who trains David to use the sword and his new samurai abilities. But little does he know, there is a pack of Ninjas that want their hands on the samurai sword to return it to their leader, Master Jai Yung. And during the mist of it all, an ancient Dragon has released from it's seal and wants to stop at nothing but kill new samurais. It is up to David to fulfill his new destiny and battle with the Dragon in the Forbidden City.

Copyright © 2010 of James Pettis, III

David Poral and the Merman of the Enchanted Sea is the eighth story in the series and is about a merman named Vein that wants to make Rava his mermaid bride.

During a trip to a beach, Rava sees a man in the ocean that is extremely beautiful. He is a merman named Vein and he believes that Rava is a beautiful being and wants her to be his wife. Rava is unknowingly hypnotized by the merman as he begins a chant that turns her into a mermaid. Little does she know, this merman is not as charming as he seems. He is an evil sea emperor that wants to break the bond of Quinity and take Rava's powers. Rava's brothers must save her by going on a wild underwater adventure to the Enchanted Sea.

Copyright © 2010 of James Pettis, III

David Poral and the Oricals is a two part story in the David Poral Series. It is the ninth and tenth story and is about David meeting two brothers that are Oricals and him becoming one. Oricals are between beings, therefore they do not worry whether an act is good or evil, they just exist.

Part I

After a series of events, David is now powerless and feels that he is no good to the supernatural world. On his eighteenth birthday, he meets to brothers named Einar and Ismet, who tell him they are Oricals and would like to recruit him. David is skeptikal, though he knows he will receive new abilities. But when an effort to save an innocent goes wrong, David gives in and becomes a Orical. Rick, Rava, Mark, and Matt set out to save David with the help of their cousin Damien Poral. But when they encounter the Oricals, David has a totally different demeanor and has no intentions on returning to the Porals. Have they lost their little brother and leader of Quinity for good?

Part II

After five months of being with the Oricals, David is now one of them and has enjoyed his life as a between being. That is until he has a vision for the first time in several months of Salem Dark's apprentice (Felixton) plotting to kill the Oricals [and the Porals] and send David into a deep depression so Salem Dark can turn David evil. For fear of his vision coming true David, Einar, and Ismet set out to find Felixton and stop him. Little do they know, The Porals and David's friends, George, Jane, and Clair are on their trail and will stop at nothing to get David back. Will they be able to save David, or will his vision come true and he will become evil forever?

This story ends this series and then goes into it's spin-off, The Quinity Saga.

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