Friday, October 1, 2010

David Poral Series - Main Cast

Copyright © 2010 of James Pettis, III

David Poral as I said before is the first series I came up with, so it's very dear to me. Now I'm about to tell you the Main Cast of David Poral and who I'd like to portray them. The five Porals (David, Rick, Rava, Mark, and Matt) have various abilities and powers that I will also be posting (along with their power symbols and aliases). Note: Their power symbols are symbols from the Quinity symbol (picture below) that represent their unique abilities.

Copyright © 2007 of James Pettis, III

Full Name: David Nathan Poral
Sex: Male
Age: 15-18, 20-21, and 22-24
Personality: Outgoing, Helpful, Stubborn at times, and Sensitive.
Abilities: Levitation, Orbing, Healing, Cloning Himself, Visions, Flying, Mind reading, Can see things faraway, Sensing, and Changing into other people.
Weakness: Water (He can't swim) and Loud noises.
Quinity Position: Leader
David's Goal in Life: To avenge his father
Quinity Abilities: Uno Blast, Manipulation of Time, and Ultimate Uno Blast (as Ultimate Uno).
Alias: Uno and Ultimate Uno
Quinity Symbol: The Square
Transformation Emblem: The Crystal of Protection

Copyright © 2007 of James Pettis, III

David Poral is a young superhero in training going to Super School. David has a very helpful and outgoing, but he's also stubborn at times. David is the youngest of the Porals, but is the leader of Quinity. David is also very knowledgeable of demons, witches, and other supernatural creatures. Rick (his older brother) was very skeptical about David being the leader; but as they all grow closer to each other, Rick is more accepting to the fact that David was the chosen one to lead. David is very close to Mark and Matt (since they are a little closer in age) and they usually find themselves in messes together. David is very mature for his age, not getting into things that his peers get into.

Full Name: Rick Drew Poral
Sex: Male
Age: 21-24, 26-27, and 28-30
Personality: Easygoing, Laid back, Angers easily, and very Stubborn.
Abilities: Healing, Exploding things, Flying, X-ray vision, Super strength, and Pain sensing.
Weakness: Silver acid
Quinity Position: First member
Rick's Goal in Life: To Protect the ones he loves
Quinity Abilities: Twinity (with Rava)
Alias: Duo
Quinity Symbol: The Across Oval
Transformation Emblem: The Compass of Strength

Copyright © 2007 of James Pettis, III

Rick Poral is a young man that attends Super School with his twin sister Rava. Rick is easygoing and laid back, but he angers very easily and is stubborn. Rick is the oldest of the Porals and the only one out of all five that took the longest to accept his new destiny (when Quinity reunited). Rick did not like the fact that his new little brother was the leader of Quinity, and does not go along with the groups plans easily. But after a series of events, Rick's personality changes, and he accepts David as the leader and they become close.

Full Name: Rava Marie Poral
Sex: Female
Age: 21-24, 26-27, and 28-30
Personality: Outgoing, Romantic, and Bubbly.
Abilities: Healing, Exploding things, Flying, and Terror sensing.
Weakness: Smoke
Quinity Position: Second member
Rava's Goal in Life: To Protect the world
Quinity Abilities: Twinity (with Rick)
Alias: Tria
Quinity Symbol: The Straight Oval
Transformation Emblem: The Topaz of Grace

Copyright © 2007 of James Pettis, III

Rava Poral is a young woman that attends Super School with her twin brother Rick. Rava is very outgoing and bubbly, but can sometimes be feisty. Rava is the second oldest of the Porals (Rick came out first) and was the first to really embrace David as her little brother. Rava disliked the fact that Rick was skeptical of David's skills and abilities (because of his knowledge about demons, witches, and other creatures); but once they began to get along, she is glad.

Full Name: Mark Monte Poral
Sex: Male
Age: 19-21, 24-25, and 26-28
Personality: Quiet, Helpful, and very Sensitive.
Abilities: Mind reading, Can crush things with the twist of his wrist, Flying, and Sadness sensing.
Weakness: Heat (Fire)
Quinity Position: Third member
Mark Goal in Life: To defeat evil doers
Quinity Abilities: Intense hearing
Alias: Quado
Quinity Symbol: The Diagonal Oval Uno
Transformation Emblem: The Cross of Faith

Copyright © 2007 of James Pettis, III

Mark Poral is young man that attends Super School with his fraternal twin brother Matt. Mark is very quiet, sensitive, and slightly insecure, but he is also helpful. Mark is the first middle child (He came out first) and was excepting to the fact that Rick, Rava, and David were his siblings (along Matt). Mark doesn't like how Rick acts towards David, but he doesn't say anything. As he matures, he gets more secure in himself and speaks his mind.

Full Name: Matt Damien Poral
Sex: Male
Age: 19-21, 24-25, and 26-28
Personality: Outgoing, Helpful, and Talkative
Abilities: Mind reading, Can crush things with the twist of his wrist, Running fast, Flying, and Stress sensing.
Weakness: Poison acid
Quinity Position: fourth member
Mark Goal in Life: To save people he cares about
Quinity Abilities: Intense hearing
Alias: Quint
Quinity Symbol: The Diagonal Oval Dos
Transformation Emblem: The Pendant of Peace

Copyright © 2007 of James Pettis, III

Matt Poral is a young man that attends Super School with his fraternal twin brother Mark. Matt is very talkative and outgoing, he can also be confrontational at times. Matt is the fourth member of Quinity and is the second middle child. Matt was excepting of his new siblings and is very close with David and Mark. Rick and Matt occasionally get into it because of how Rick treats David, but once Rick and David start to get along better, Matt and Rick also bond more.

Well, there you have it, the Main Cast of David Poral. Stay tuned because I will be posting short David Poral stories soon!

1 comment:

  1. Cool! I hope you get them to play those characters in the movie series! :]
