My Photo Shoot

Hey Readers!

This page is for me to post photos from my photo shoot(s). I will post each photo shoot in a separate paragraph and will give a short synopsis of the inspiration of the photo shoot and the location.

My Blog Photo Shoot # 1
Photo Shoot Name: James Pettis, III
Theme: Me Just Being Me

This photo shoot was just for me to showcase myself to introduce the blog. It took place on Main Street in St. Charles, Missouri. I really enjoyed myself and I also enjoyed the photographer, Steve Alejandro. He is amazing at what he does and I appreciate him so much for doing this for me. Anyway, here are the photos.



Copyright © 2010 of SA3Studios

My Blog Photo Shoot # 2
Photo Shoot Name: Crysto-Destroyo
Theme: In Character as Allen WarWitche

This photo shoot was me in character as Allen WarWitche from My Best Friend is A Warlock. It took place on Main Street in St. Charles, Missouri. It was difficult to get exactly what me and the photographer, Steve Alejandro, were shooting for, but we managed to get some good photos in with the help of Leah Westbrook, an up and coming photographer. After the photo shoot was over, Steve manipulated my Harry Potter Wand's light in Photoshop, causing an extreme illumination making it look like I'm casting a spell. Here are the photos.

If you would like to work with Steve Alejandro, here is his information:

Steve Alejandro
Freelance, Photograghy, Videography, Graphic Design
