Friday, October 15, 2010


Copyright © 2010 of James Pettis, III

Psychasthenia was my first psychological thriller that I had come up with, it is now the second (due to the creation of Shattered Psyche, and me not really planning on writing this story). Psychasthenia is about a serial killer who is killing people in Los Angeles, California for unexplained reasons with several suspects being involved. To help you all understand what Psychasthenia is about, here is it's dictionary definition from Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary 10th Edition:

Psychasthenia - a neurotic state characterized esp. by phobias, obsessions, or compulsions that one knows are irrational.

The Pachsyis Family is one of the wealthiest families in Los Angeles. They own a company called Anderson Corp. (a stock market company) that is run by Daniel Pachsyis and his older brother Andrew Pachsyis. Daniel has a son named Ethan Pachsyis, whom Daniel is wanting to take over the company once he is older. But Andrew also has a son named Justin Pachsyis II (named after their father), whom he wants to run the company when he is older. The brothers have constant conflicts during stock exchanges, causing it to be slightly difficult for the company (though they are still successful). Soon when strange serial killings erupt in the city of Los Angeles, Detective Marcus Rhodes (one of Los Angeles' best detectives) is put on the case, only to find himself twisted up in several scams and killings that somehow link to the famous Pachsyis Family.

This wasn't exactly the original plot for Psychasthenia, but it's storyline will be similar to the original version I was writing. Stay tuned for more info about Psychasthenia.

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