Saturday, October 9, 2010

Confessions Of a Pizza Delivery Driver

Copyright © 2010 of James Pettis, III

Confessions Of a Pizza Delivery Driver is a story I came up with inspired by my real life experiences working as a pizza delivery driver and working at a pizza restaurant. It's about a nineteen year old guy named Joshua that gets hired at a pizza restaurant called Pizza Stop. This story will cover his entire experience with the restaurant from when he is hired to when he quits. This is my first fictional diary-like story that I have come up with (since it's like a diary as far as the events that have happened to me). Joshua will mostly be confessingto his psychiatrist during the entire story.

Hi, I'm Joshua. I'm nineteen years old and I work at a local pizza restaurant in my town called Pizza Stop. I'm a delivery driver... which unfortunately is not the best job in the world. I mean I don't mind the job, but there are some crazy things that I have experienced at Pizza Stop. Through my own personal experience, I have come up with my own personal theory... RESTAURANTS ARE THE WORST JOBS. I mean think about it... besides the way the customers treat you, the other employees treat you just as bad. But to get to my wonderful co-workers; first is my boss Mindy, who likes to yell at you, talk about you behind your back, and smile in your face; second is Antonio, he's my best friend, we always love to work together, and we both know the true meaning of teamwork; third is Alex, he's the best pizza cook, but he whines a little too much; fourth is Rodney, he's the oldest cook, he's always looking out for me; fifth is Jasmine, she's a driver, she comes to our store occasionally to help out, and she's my friend; and then there's Mario, he's a delivery driver, he thinks he is absolutely beautiful, he's conceited, he thinks he's God's gift to Pizza Stop, he's Mindy's favorite (not to mention he kisses up her butt), and he and I are rivals... unfortunately. And when you put all of these wonderful personalities together, you get the worst restaurant crew you've probably ever seen in your life.

This idea came to me while I was working at a pizza restaurant. It's heavily based on my experiences but twisted around a little for comical pleasure. This is my first comedy-drama that I have come up with and I think I will enjoy writing it. Stay tuned for more info about Confessions Of a Pizza Delivery Driver.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds very similar to reality. It will be interesting to see the twists.
