Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Quinity Saga

Copyright © 2008 of James Pettis, III

The Quinity Saga is a spin-off of the David Poral Series and continues where David Poral left off. The Quinity Saga takes place two years after the events of David Poral and the Oricals. This series covers the Porals as they get there aliases and their Emblems of Power. This series also consists of Ten stories (like the David Poral Series): Quinity, The Quinity Saga: Puppet Vixen, The Quinity Saga: The Banshee, The Quinity Saga: The Twisted Circus Date, The Quinity Saga: The Carnival of Death, The Quinity Saga: The Revenge of Marvin, The Quinity Saga: The Vampires, The Quinity Saga: The Rising End, The Quinity Saga: The Final Battle, and David Poral and the Jazz Club Murder (a special story). All of these stories will also have their own archives soon. The Quinity Saga will also be getting it's own page.

After reuniting with his siblings, the Porals are in for their biggest battle yet. Two years have passed since the events of David Poral and the Oricals. David is now more mature and him an Rick are best of buds, Rick lives on his own, Rava has a new job as a journalist, and Mark and Matt have been away traveling the world for the past two years. The Porals have had a two year break from demons, creatures, witches, and warlocks and are about to return to Super School (the School closed down for remodeling). The five receive a letter from their father's mother and go to her house to retrieve the Crystal of Protection, the Compass of Strength, the Topaz of Grace, the Cross of Faith, and the Pendant of Peace (which their father had set aside for them for the future). With these, the five can unleash their aliases Uno (David), Duo (Rick), Tria (Rava), Quado (Mark), and Quint (Matt) and form their Superhero team. And with the Poral's powers growing stronger everyday, they have almost reached their ultimate power... the Power of Five as One... Quinity. But as The Red Ninth rises, will they reach their power before it's too late?

This series also consists of Christian values and a Supernatural series in one. This is the last series in the David Poral / The Quinity Saga series and it has several twists, untold secrets, and unexpected turns. Stay tuned for more info about The Quinity Saga.

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