Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Bloodlines (A Novel) by J. A. Pettis

Copyright © 2013 of James Pettis, III

Hey Bloggers, Happy New Year! I have some amazing news. I have finally published! My first novel Bloodlines is available for sale! It is about three guys that find out they are brothers, and that they are witches. It is about other things as well, but this is the major plot of the story. I plan on continuing this idea in The Bloodlines Saga. The official description of the novel is below.

Isaac, Jacob, and Cameron were just three Paterson, New Jersey residents who lived normal lives like everyone else...until they met each other. Dragged into a world of magic and darkness, the three must over come their own personal doubts and fears, and accept their new destiny together as Witches.

I am so excited about this book. It is most definitely an evolved version of my original series ideas, David Poral Series and The Quinity Saga. Many of the stories I had for those two series I have taken and reworked them into this new saga, and I hope that others will like it.

You may purchase Bloodlines @

BTW, I promise this year I am going to take better care of this blog. No more movie reviews are going to be drowning out my work. I am going to focus on putting my self and my works out there!