Saturday, December 18, 2010

My Blog Photo Shoot!!!!, Pt. 2 / Blog Reboot on New Years Day

Hey Readers!

I just got back from my photo shoot and I am super excited! The photo shoot was in St. Charles on Main Street with Photographer, Steve Alejandro (He is the BEST!). I was freezing like crazy while taking photos by the Missouri River, trains, buildings, and alley ways; but I was told to suck it up by my photographer because it would all be for the best (which it was). We managed to get some really, really, really good shots in before it got too cold. We were also able to enjoy the little parade they had going on in Main Street, which was nice. Anyway, the photos will be posted soon and the blog reboot is coming on new years day. Stay posted to see the photos and look out for the reboot on 1/1/11. Thanks Guys!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

12 (A Novel)

Copyright © 2010 of James Pettis, III

12 (A Novel) is a novel I am working on and will be my first book. I came up with this idea while thinking about the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ. The novel will be a supernatural story (as all my ideas usually are), and will be about twelve young people that have God given powers from birth. This idea is loosely a modern retelling of the events that occurred with the twelve disciples. The twelve young people also all represent the twelve disciples: 1st - Peter-Simon Houston (Simon/Peter), 2nd - Andrew Houston (Andrew, Simon/Peter's brother), 3rd - James Howards (James, son of Zebedee and John's brother), 4th - John Howards (John, James' brother), 5th - Philip Clarkson (Philip, from the Bethsaida of Galilee), 6th - Nathanial Rhodes (Bartholomew, son of Talemai/Nathanael), 7th - Matthew Jackson (Matthew, the tax collector), 8th - Thomas Scott (Thomas/Didymus), 9th - Jamie Towers (James, son of Alphaeus), 10th - Jude Ryans (Thaddeus, traditionally identified as Jude) 11th - Simon Richardson (Simon the Zealot), and 12th - Judas Parker (Judas Iscariot). This story will also mention the descendant of the disciple Saint Matthias, Matthias Crones (Saint Matthias, the disciple that replaced Judas after he betrayed Jesus). This is basically about the 12 (disciples) coming together against an evil organization that will stop at nothing to wreak havoc on Earth.

They were born on the same day... born in the same year... they're known as 12. The 12 that God gave supernatural abilities, and they are descendants of the first chosen 12 (the twelve disciples of Jesus). The 1st is Peter-Simon Houston, with his power of premonition, knowing, and connection with spirits; 2nd is Andrew Houston (Peter-Simon's fraternal twin brother), with his power of time manipulation; 3rd is James Howards and his twin brother John Howards (the 4th), with their abilities of thunder and lightning; 5th is Philip Clarkson, with his power of earth manipulation; 6th is Nathanial Rhodes, with his power of molecular manipulation; 7th is Matthew Jackson, with his power of telekinesis; 8th is Thomas Scott, with his power of healing; 9th is Jamie Towers, with her ability of telepathy; 10th is Jude Ryans, with her ability of wind control; 11th is Simon Richardson, with his ability of teleportation; and 12th is Judas Parker (with his unknown abilities). Lead by the Spirit, the 12 protect the world from the darkness that tries to consume it. But one day, darkness becomes too strong as the Last days come upon us. It is up to the 12 to stop the Dark Shadows and rid the Earth of its evil bondage.

I am very excited about writing this book. I feel that it will have a really good message in it and I think people will enjoy reading it. Stay posted for more info about 12.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The New Fairy Tales - Rose Red

Copyright © 2010 of James Pettis, III

Rose Red is the tenth and final tale in The New Fairy Tales Series. It is loosely based on Snow-White and Rose-Red by Brothers Grimm in 1832.

Rose Red is a young woman that lives in a cottage in the woods with her mother. Rose Red is a huge dreamer and has always dreamed of being a princess and marrying a handsome prince. Rose Red's mother has been her spiritual guide all her life and tells her to never give up on her dreams. But one day, Rose Red's mother gets very sick and dies, leaving Rose Red. She then feels helpless and alone, no longer knowing what to do. Until one day, a bear stumbles upon her cottage and reveals himself to be a prince named James. Prince James has been cursed by a group of seven evil dwarfs known as Envy, Lust, Greed, Vanity, Gluttony, Sloth, and Wrath. Prince James was cursed to be a bear by day and a handsome prince by night. The Prince begs Rose Red to help him break the curse and in return he will marry her. Join Rose Red as she goes on a new journey to help the prince and battle the magical evil dwarfs.

My version of Rose Red is a little more like an evil version of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (as far as the seven drawfs and them being evil). The idea of the seven dwarfs came to me immediately that they should represent the seven deadly sins (which really got me excited). This idea was very fun to come up with and I hope that others will like it. Stay tuned for more about Rose Red.