Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Doll Master (A Horror Novel)

Copyright © 2011 of James Pettis, III

The Doll Master is a horror novel I just recently came up a few weeks ago. To be honest, this idea was not originally going to be a novel, let alone have its on series. It was originally titled "Child's Play" and was episode 16 in season 1 of The Beginning of Vampire Chronicles (TV Series). The episode was going to be about a man named Roger Smith who created dolls and toys to harm children and in return he was executed. But he would soon return to finish his evil deeds on the now adult children that were going to include Richard, Aaron, Rebecca, Olivia, Ingus, and Sapphire. Then there was going to be a sequel to that episode titled "Child's Play II" which was episode 20 in season 2 of The Beginning of Vampire Chronicles (TV Series). This episode would mark Roger's revenge and his second return. The final installment of the Doll Saga was going to conclude in season 3 of The Beginning of Vampire Chronicles (TV Series) titled "The Doll Master" (which is where the book title came from). But after these ideas came to me, so did the thought of making "The Doll Master" a series of its own. So I basically took concepts from the episodes and combined them creating The Doll Master (A Horror Novel).

Anyway, The Doll Master is about a man named Roger Smith whose toy creations continue to be rejected by Great Toys Incorporated. In retaliation, Roger taps into Black magic and begins seeking revenge on children.


Roger Smith is a twenty seven year old man who has been trying to make it big as a toy maker in Newark, New Jersey. He continues to create works and present them to Great Toys Inc., but every time he's told that they aren't good enough. Finally fed up with rejection, Roger somehow taps into Black Magic and begins creating toys that attack children, which is his revenge on the toy company for rejecting him. In the end he is caught and sentenced to death by lethal injection.

Part II takes place sixteen years after the events of Part I.


Juilian Beckmann is a twenty year old young man who attends Rutgers University in Newark, New Jersey. Juilian attends the school with his friends Henry Stallord and Ashley Frederickson and their other friends. The gang loves living in the small town of Newark, that is until strange killings among the youth in Newark begin to spread like wild fire. Fearing for his life and his friends, Juilian seeks the help of a young man named Zeke Baxter, a student at the university, after he witnesses Zeke using supernatural skills to protect himself. But when the killings get worse, it is almost certain that the culprit is none other than Roger Smith himself. Will the help of Zeke and the will to survive be enough to save them?

The novel will consist of 16 chapters (excluding the preface and a special chapter). The Table of Contents is as follows:

Preface: What Could Be Upstairs?

Part I

Chapter 1: Just Not Good Enough
Chapter 2: Sweetness of Revenge
Chapter 3: The End of His Wrath

Part II

Chapter 1: Roger's Revival
Chapter 2: Dummy In the Street
Chapter 3: The Doll
Chapter 4: Unacceptable Circumstances
Chapter 5: Zeke Baker
Chapter 6: Karma
Chapter 7: 183 Cliffwood Avenue
Chapter 8: The Realm of the Dollhouse
Chapter 9: The Ventriloquist
Chapter 10: The Dollhouses
Chapter 11: Escape the Dollhouse
Chapter 12: The Greatest Work of Art
Chapter 13: A Regular Day

This novel has been fun coming up with and I hope others will enjoy it. Stay posted for more info about The Doll Master.

By the way, here's an alternate cover for the book.

Copyright © 2011 of James Pettis, III

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