Sunday, August 29, 2010

Aqua Lights Series

Copyright © 2009 of James Pettis, III

Aqua Lights is a spin-off from the David Poral series and is about two sisters named Laurin and Cassi Scott. This series and the David Poral series have a cross-over in the 11th David Poral story (Quinity) and in Aqua Lights II. The series is of two stories Aqua Lights and Aqua Lights II, which will have their own archives.

Laurin and Cassi Scot are two sisters named that attend Super School of the South and they both have great powers. Laurin can manipulate water and Cassi can manipulate lightning and thunder. The two also have aliases, Aqua Girl (Laurin) and Lightning Girl (Cassi). The two aren't aware of each others alias (due to a pact they made), so they save the world solo. That is until an evil sorceress named Mistress Vana Missa wants to kill them both for their powers. Laurin and Cassi found out about each others alias and must form a dynamic duo to defeat the evil sorceress... The Aqua Lights!

Like the Davd Poral series, this series consists of christian values and a supernatural series. I really like the Aqua Lights and I hope it will be intresting to others. Stay posted for short stories and facts about the Aqua Lights Series.

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