Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Love Triangle

Copyright © 2009 of James Pettis, III

The Love Triangle is about a young woman who somehow find her self in love with two guys, creating a nasty love triangle.
Twenty-four-year old Jennifer is a promiscuous young woman living in LA, until she meets a guy that somewhat changes. Shawn a.k.a "DJ Shade" is a twenty-six-year old who has never had sex and won't until he gets married. To keep this good guy, Jennifer lies about being a virgin to match his standards. But this gets old when she can't change his mind. So she goes back to her old ways and meets Marcus, a twenty-five-year old boxer who she immediately has sex with. Jennifer soon begins to date Marcus and Shawn at the same time, while Shawn suspects she is cheating on him. But everything hits the fan when Marcus throws a party and Shawn is the DJ he hired while Jennifer is Marcus' date.

This was a fun idea that I came up with, it's one of my first drama scripts I've written. It's a love, sex, and games story about what people do to the ones they say they love. Stay tuned for short stories and other info about The Love Triangle.

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