Friday, September 17, 2010

2999: The Beginning of the 31st Century

Copyright © 2010 of James Pettis, III

2999: The Beginning of the 31st Century is about four guys that live in the 30th century and form a robot extinguishers to protect the city of Technopolis from a robot revolt lead by Hex 9.0 G4, The humanoid robot overlord.

Onyx is Twenty-two-years old and loves his busy life living in the center of Technopolis. He works for a power plant that creates data for future devices and creations. He works in the same department as his older brother Neon, and their boss is their father Phylx (a brain in a jar on a small robot). Onyx and Neon work and hang out with two other workers at the power plant, Orin and Zolith. Onyx has a strong hate for robots (due to a tragic event that happened when he was a little boy), and when robots begin to revolt against the city, he will stop at nothing to defeat them. Onyx teams up Neon, Orin, and Zolith and they become robot extinguishers. But little do they know, a humanoid robot named Hex 9.0 G4 has rebuilt it's self and is planning not only to destroy the city but to extinguish the human race. The four robot extinguishers must travel through time a space visiting the years 2348, 2769, 2212, and 2556 to stop Hex 9.0 G4 before it's too late.

This idea excites me a lot because I love futuristic movies and futuristic stuff, so this is very exciting to write. Stayed to for futuristic clothes, futuristic cars, city design, short stories, character bios, and more info about 2999: The Beginning of the 31st Century.

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