Friday, September 17, 2010

Shattered Psyche

Copyright © 2010 of James Pettis, III

Shattered Psyche is about a young man that works a psychiatric ward in his town. Then he finds out that some crooked things are going on in the psych ward.

Ryan Parker is a twenty two year old and he works at the local psychiatric ward in his town. Ryan works under Dr. Nicholas Rodgers; one of the best Doctors in the town and he has very good remorse with the patients. One of the patients seems to favorite Ryan the more, his name is Kyle Jefferson. Kyle is just twenty one and has been in the psychiatric ward since he was twenty. Ryan visits Kyle everyday to make sure he is doing all right. One night Kyle tells Ryan he used to work at the ward; Ryan looks slightly puzzled, causing Kyle to think Ryan thinks he's "crazy". Ryan disagrees, saying he's not crazy. Unsure of what to do with the info received, Ryan confides in Dr. Rodgers. Dr. Rodgers denies Kyle ever working there, and stating, "you can't listen to patients, 'cause they're crazy." Ryan then researches this finding Kyle's old employee records stating he was fired for "unexplained reasons". After this, things become stranger and stranger as dark secrets come to the light in this psychological thriller.

This is my most recent idea that I have, it was in the back of my mind for at least two years though. I was trying to figure out what it was going to be about, then it just came to me. This is officially my first psychological thriller (I had another idea I came up with in '08 called Psychasthenia, which I'm bringing back), so I'm very excited. Please stay posted for more info about Shattered Psyche.

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