Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Beginning of Vampire Chronicles (TV Series)

Copyright © 2010 of Jamisha Pettis and James Pettis, III

The Beginning of Vampire Chronicles is the first TV series I've come up with and is the first spin-off from the Richard Dyson Series. It serves as an introduction to it's spin-off Vampire Chronicles. This show will follows six slayers (including Richard Dyson) that fight vampires and other creatures on a day to day basis.

After graduating from Vlankerstein's Private School in London, Richard and Aaron (a student from Vlankerstein's) set out to use their abilities to fight off vampires. They meet Ingus Spardon and Sapphire Tsukino (characters that appear in the Richard Dyson Series, but they don't encounter them) while trying to protect a future vampire slayer, Rebecca Latters. Once she comes to grips with her destiny, she and her friend, Olivia Parker, join the slayers as the battle vampires and other creatures. But as they all begin to battle evil, new forces rise against them to destroy them. Journey with them as they encounter vampires, wolves, beasts, spirits, witches, and other creatures to stop evil.

This TV Series is very fun to work on. It consists of Four seasons: The Beginning Saga [Season 1], The Valor's Return Saga [Season 2], The Seven Crystals Saga [Season 3], and The Super Slayer Saga [Season 4] (all seasons will have their own archive). Like it's predecessor (Richard Dyson Series), it has christian values and a Vampire series in one. Stay tuned for episode listings, short stories, and other info about The Beginning of Vampire Chronicles TV Series.

Aqua Lights Series

Copyright © 2009 of James Pettis, III

Aqua Lights is a spin-off from the David Poral series and is about two sisters named Laurin and Cassi Scott. This series and the David Poral series have a cross-over in the 11th David Poral story (Quinity) and in Aqua Lights II. The series is of two stories Aqua Lights and Aqua Lights II, which will have their own archives.

Laurin and Cassi Scot are two sisters named that attend Super School of the South and they both have great powers. Laurin can manipulate water and Cassi can manipulate lightning and thunder. The two also have aliases, Aqua Girl (Laurin) and Lightning Girl (Cassi). The two aren't aware of each others alias (due to a pact they made), so they save the world solo. That is until an evil sorceress named Mistress Vana Missa wants to kill them both for their powers. Laurin and Cassi found out about each others alias and must form a dynamic duo to defeat the evil sorceress... The Aqua Lights!

Like the Davd Poral series, this series consists of christian values and a supernatural series. I really like the Aqua Lights and I hope it will be intresting to others. Stay posted for short stories and facts about the Aqua Lights Series.

The Funhouse Trilogy

Copyright © 2010 of James Pettis, III

The Funhouse Trilogy is an interesting series I came up with about a year ago. I can't really remember how the idea came to me, but all I remember is finding clown music on iTunes by a group called Virgil (The album is titled "Klown" and is the music I listen to while writing this series) which inspired it. This series consists of the following three stories: The Funhouse, The Funhouse 2: The Freekual, and The Funhouse 3: What Clowns Are Made Of. This series is mainly about a sadistic clown named Freeky who abducts young men (I know it's kinda crazy, but it's an idea I got :D). I went back and forth on whether I would write The Funhouse due to it's strange storyline, but it wouldn't stop coming to me so I gave in; and with it I made two other ideas creating my first Trilogy (the other stories will have their own archives soon). The Funhouse Trilogy will also be getting it's own page.

Five Friends, Kevin, Alex, Darell, Reggie, and Franklin are all going through difficult times as they grow into adulthood. Kevin is struggling with an addiction with cigarettes (after his mother overdosed on drugs), Alex just got out of rehab (after trying to commit suicide), Franklin's brother and mother just got killed by his father, and Darell and Reggie are needing work after Darell quits his job and Reggie moves in with him (due to his parents nasty divorce). But when the two mysteriously get hired at the Funhouse that has come to town, they get suspicious. They receive three free tickets and invite their friends to the Funhouse as guests while they work only to find themselves in the strange grasp of sadistic clown Freeky. As they all begin to vanish one by one, they must escape the Funhouse or become Freeky's next victims.

This is a gist of the first film (It will have it's own archive as well). Though this series is a little strange, it has been fun to write. It's not only about the clown, but it's about five (guy) friends that stick together and help each other through thick and thin. Stayed tuned for more about the Funhouse and short stories.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The New Fairy Tales

Copyright © 2010 of James Pettis, III

One of my most recent series is The New Fairy Tales. This series will consist of ten of my most favorite fairy tales. The Fairy Tales are as follows: Lil' Red Ridin' Hoodie, Cinderella, Snow, Beauty & Beast, Sleeping Beauty, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Rumpelstiltskin, Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp, Peter Pan, and Rose Red (The New Fairy Tales will be getting it's own page soon). Now half of the fairy tales have been modernized (Lil' Red Ridin' Hoodie, Snow, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Peter Pan, and Rose Red); while the other half are going to be closer to their original storyline (Cinderella, Beauty & Beast, Sleeping Beauty, Rumpelstiltskin, and Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp). I am very excited about the fairy tales because reading the stories brings back so many childhood memories (though, these fairy tales I'm doing are most likely not for children). Anyway, stay posted so you don't miss short stories and other info about The New Fairy Tales (all fairy tales will be posted in their own archives soon).

Note: This Series Has Since Been Revised. To See The Revision Go Here:

The Love Triangle

Copyright © 2009 of James Pettis, III

The Love Triangle is about a young woman who somehow find her self in love with two guys, creating a nasty love triangle.
Twenty-four-year old Jennifer is a promiscuous young woman living in LA, until she meets a guy that somewhat changes. Shawn a.k.a "DJ Shade" is a twenty-six-year old who has never had sex and won't until he gets married. To keep this good guy, Jennifer lies about being a virgin to match his standards. But this gets old when she can't change his mind. So she goes back to her old ways and meets Marcus, a twenty-five-year old boxer who she immediately has sex with. Jennifer soon begins to date Marcus and Shawn at the same time, while Shawn suspects she is cheating on him. But everything hits the fan when Marcus throws a party and Shawn is the DJ he hired while Jennifer is Marcus' date.

This was a fun idea that I came up with, it's one of my first drama scripts I've written. It's a love, sex, and games story about what people do to the ones they say they love. Stay tuned for short stories and other info about The Love Triangle.

David Poral Series

Copyright © 2010 of James Pettis, III 

David Poral is the first series I created, therefore it is very dear to me. I have gone through a lot with this series as far as whether I would do it or not, first David was a warlock, now he has supernatural powers and is a superhero. With this series I've created two spin-offs Aqua Lights and The Quinity Saga (David Poral - Part II), which can be found in it's on separate archive. The David Poral series will also be getting it's own page.

David Poral is a fifteen-year-old with supernatural powers. He can fly, sense things, and has visions of the past, present, and future. David is excited because he is about to attend a school in Super City called Super School of the West. But, David finds out that the man he has been living with for fifteen years is not his father, he is an evil warlock named Salem Dark. David escapes as his final conversation with his grandmother ends fatally (she is vanquished by demons). David arrives at Super School after meeting four students, Rick and Rava (twin brother and sister) and Mark and Matt (fraternal twins). The five become very close as they go through the school year, until they find a book called the Book of Five, which releases a wave of light breaking an evil curse that they were under. The five are siblings, but were under a spell by Salem Dark (along with anyone who knew they were related) to prevent them from unleashing their ultimate power, Quinity. As they begin to unleash their new abilities, they find out things about there families past and begin to encounter an evil organization known as The Red Ninth. The Red Ninth is an Organization that will stop at nothing to reach their goal; to find the Garden of Eden and eat from the Tree of Life. David, Rick, Rava, Mark, and Matt must fight together and stop the Red Ninth from achieving their goal.

I love this series, it's a mixture of christian values and a supernatural series. The David Poral series also consists of Ten stories: David Poral and the Mirror of Lies, David Poral and the Zombie Parade, David Poral and the Recreation of Salem, David Poral and the Energy Charger, David Poral and the Seducing Witches, David Poral and the Switch Meister, David Poral and the Dragon of China, David Poral and the Merman of the Enchanted Sea, David Poral and the Oricals: Part I, and David Poral and the Oricals: Part II. All of these wonderful stories will also have their own archives soon. Stay tuned for short stories and other things about the David Poral Series.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Richard Dyson Series

Copyright © 2010 of James Pettis, III

Richard Dyson is one of my most favorite series that I have created. With it I've created two spin-offs
The Beginning of Vampire Chronicles and Vampire Chronicles, Which can be found in separate archives. This series consists of five stories: Richard Dyson and the Vampires, Richard Dyson and the Valors / Aaron and the Midnight Moon (these stories intertwine making a full story), Richard Dyson and the Dark Spirits, Ingus Spardon - The Warrior, Richard Dyson and the Twilight. The Richard Dyson Series will also be getting it's own page.

Richard Dyson is a Seventeen-year-old who has an associates in applied science and isn't sure what to do with himself next. He lives with his aunt, Linda, in California (His parents are deceased, cause unknown) and she takes care of him like he's her son. Richard receives a letter from a private school in London called Vlankerstein's Private School of London. Richard is very skeptical at first about the school, until he finds out his father graduated from the school. Richard decides to give the school a shot and is off to London. Once there, He meets Larq (a prefect at the school, and Richard's mentor), and they both head to the school. After a series of events, Richard finds out that he is a Vampire Slayer from a line of slayers in his family, known famously as the most powerful slayers of all time. But, Richard is the only living Dyson family slayer and has no supernatural abilities (as his family did). And when it gets out of his arrival in London, The Others (an evil group of vampires the are arch enemies of the Dyson's formed by the Valor Vampires) want to put the Dyson name to rest by killing Richard. Richard must except his destiny and train quickly to defeat his families rivals and hold up the family name.

This series is very dear to me, it's a mixture of christian values and a fictional vampire series. I love it and I hope other's will love it too! Stay tuned for short stories and other things about the Richard Dyson Series.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Welcome To My Mind!

Hello Readers,

Welcome to my blog! I am so excited about this you have no idea. OK... this blog is going to be for you to take a little trip through my mind, a mind where ideas are created, a mind where ideas flow, and a mind where ideas race (and sometimes make me feel like I'm crazy :P). I'm going to be talking about my future goals, write short stories, do bios of my characters, and share info about my series and story ideas. I hope to get insight on my stories and helpful info to make it big! Well readers... LET'S GO!