Saturday, January 22, 2011

Rock Boys

Copyright © 2011 of James Pettis, III

Rock Boys is a new story I have come up with and is about four guys that are in a multi platinum rock band known as The Rock Boys. It is also about the band and how they carry themselves off stage.

Antwan "Twan" Walker, Rico Brooks, David Mccray, and Michael "Mickey" Frederickson are all part of a multi platinum band known as The Rock Boys. With three albums that have gone platinum on the market and miscellaneous products booming everyday, the four rock stars have made enough money to last them the rest of their lives. Their manager, Mr. Linoel Davis tries to get them to change their image as they get older, but they all insist on staying hardcore rock. But when one of the band members hits an all time low, the band breaks apart and it causes an uproar in the media. Will the four be able to redeem themselves before their career is demolished?

This idea has been in my mind for about three years now and I finally decided to let it out. It's a coming of age story and also shows what young people get into at a young age. Stay posted for more info about Rock Boys.

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